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pricked ears

Guest mansbestfriend

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Guest mansbestfriend

this is not a topic for a debate my patt has pricked ears and i no it makes no difference to how he will work. i was just wondering if they could be dropped by a vet.has any 1 ever had a terrier with pricked ears and had them dropped.and would any vet be willing to do it. <_<

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They can be dropped but it will cost a few quid, not somethiong you need or want to do to a working dog, as we know vets will do anything for money, My Patt bitch had ears folded over perfectly when she was younger and now they prick up, what the f**k she doesn't go to shows she is a working dog, and the foxes don't think any less of her for it :D







All the best


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Yes it can be done, I don't know whether a vet would do it or not, but I've done two black bitches of my own that carried a part pricked ear, it's virtually painless, just a quick squeak, but it won't make it work any better, just a bit more pleasing to look at and I only did mine because I could, it didn't really bother me one way or the other.

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Is she the first ever face transplant I read about? :11:


Sorry mate, but I have no idea what you mean.

I think nuv means its a different dog but I can see the resemblace.Its black for a start!


Look at the little white blaze, like an upside down V, looks like the marking on a black bear, which is where she got her nickname, I might be crap with a camera and I'll be the first to admit it, but I don't need a trip to specsavers. :clapper:

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  • 4 months later...
Guest dazzy

when i first got gyp was wondering about his pricked ears( i thought i got a mini donkey) :laugh::laugh:

and consider having them done but now i think he dont bite with his ears so feck it :D

he can do the rats all i worried about. :D:D:D





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Guest bravo24v

CRACKING looking dog [bANNED TEXT] :good:



CRACKING looking dog [bANNED TEXT] :good:



CRACKING looking dog [bANNED TEXT] :good:



CRACKING looking dog [bANNED TEXT] :good:



CRACKING looking dog [bANNED TEXT] :good:

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